At Least The Movies I Watch by J.J. Campbell

sitting in
a hotel room
fifth floor
looking out
the window
at the apartments
across the train

it’s early in
the morning

in the movies
there would be
a naked woman
exercising near
her balcony or
a robe being
opened by the
wind as she
enjoys a

in reality, i
see a guy
his nuts
if he should
let his dog
piss off the
sixth floor

J.J. Campbell
J.J. Campbell (1976 – ?) has given up the farm life and is now trapped in suburbia. He’s been widely published over the years, most recently at Dead Snakes, Easy Street, The Stray Branch, Pyrokinection and Horror Sleaze Trash. You can find him most days bitching about only the things he cares about on his highly entertaining blog, evil delights. (

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