Underneath Neath (The Sewers!) by Paul Tristram

Me and Slave made it into the far ‘One’
by ‘The Cod & Cabbage’
just managing to slide
the manhole cover back into place
as the first two dogs were upon it
scratching and growling.
Down the metal ladder steps
and third right, then second left after that.
Pitch Black, but half running,
using only fingertips on side walls
for direction and bearings.
The ‘Sirens’ haven’t stopped wailing
but it’s nice to no longer be able to hear them.
It’s a strange mole-like world down here,
the many different water noises are astounding,
gurgling, flushing, (on an industrial scale!)
stinking streams and waterfalls
under your absconding, sloshing feet.
Blim and Slag were last seen
heading over to The Gnoll-Gate ‘Drain.’
We should bump into them somewhere
under ‘The Garden’s’ end of London Road.
From there, we have to traverse
the rumbling, thundering junction
at Stockems Corner, straight as a rat runs.
Across the Gangland Territory Border,
beneath the backstreets of The Melyn,
until finally out-free this side of The River…
whilst they’re still chasing their tails,
smoke and shadows up on the sunny side.

Paul Tristram is a Welsh writer who has poems, short stories, sketches and photography published in many publications around the world, he yearns to tattoo porcelain bridesmaids instead of digging empty graves for innocence at midnight; this too may pass, yet. Buy his books ‘Scribblings Of A Madman’ (Lit Fest Press) http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1943170096 ‘Poetry From The Nearest Barstool’ at http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1326241036 And a split poetry book ‘The Raven And The Vagabond Heart’ with Bethany W Pope at http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1326415204 You can also read his poems and stories here! http://paultristram.blogspot.co.uk/


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